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Understanding Bundler's setup process

If you work with Ruby, chances are that you are using Bundler quite a lot. It’s the de facto solution for dependency management, and it’s hard to find a project without a Gemfile. What is not part of the common knowledge, though, is how it works. More specifically, how does it make your code see just the dependencies that it should see and nothing else? Let’s look into Bundler’s code to find out.

The example project

To make it easier to understand what Bundler is doing, I’ll create a simple sinatra project.

# app.rb
require 'sinatra'

get '/test' do

So far so good. As long as I have sinatra installed, it should work just fine.
The problem is that we don’t like the idea that everyone that is going to run this code needs to know what the dependencies are (sinatra in version 1.4.5), so we create a Gemfile to let Bundler do that for us:

# Gemfile
source ""

gem "sinatra"

Now anyone that gets this code can just run bundle install and all the dependencies should be there, right? Well, not so fast.

The hidden dependency

Someday I decide that this /test route is too boring, and it should now actually returns Metallica’s “The Unforgiven” lyrics. So I just go there and run gem install vagalume to get a gem that does that, and change my code:

require 'sinatra'
require 'vagalume'

get '/test' do
  result = Vagalume.find("Metallica", "The Unforgiven")

I run the app and everything seems to be working fine. I commit my code.

As soon as someone else tries to run the app, it breaks badly, saying that it cannot load such file -- vagalume.

What just happened here?

The problem is that, although you have a Gemfile where you list your dependencies, you didn’t tell Bundler that your app should see just those gems.
This require 'vagalume' is actually checking all the gems that you have installed in your system, not just the ones listed in the Gemfile, and that is not good.

Enters bundler/setup

Let’s start to fix this. If we go there and add this line in the top of the file:

require 'bundler/setup'

You should see that the app starts to break with that same error (cannot load such file -- vagalume (LoadError)), even if you have vagalume installed. That’s good, Bundler is now making sure that our code sees just what it should see, that is, the gems listed in the Gemfile.

Understanding what is happening

To put it shortly, what Bundler is doing is removing from the $LOAD_PATH everything that is not defined in the Gemfile. The $LOAD_PATH (or just $:) is the global variable that tells Ruby where it should look for things that are required, so if a dependency is not in the Gemfile, it’s not going to be in the $LOAD_PATH, and then Ruby has no way to find it.

Show me the code

This is the file that is loaded when we require 'bundler/setup', and the important thing here is the Bundler.setup call. This setup first cleans the load path, and then activates just the gems that are defined in the Gemfile, which basically means adding them to the $LOAD_PATH variable.

And that is also what happens with bundle exec

This is a good moment to understand what happens when we use bundle exec to run a command.
Bundler will simply add the value -rbundler/setup to the environment variable $RUBYOPT. Here is where it’s done.
This will tell ruby to require bundle/setup before running any command, and that will let Bundler do its magic to the $LOAD_PATH, as we just checked.

Bundler on Rails

As you probably guessed, when you are working with Rails you don’t really need to worry about this. There’s no magic, Rails is just calling the same bundler/setup for you.
You can check in config/boot.rb, that is where this is done. Also, in config/application.rb, Rails will call Bundler.require for you, that is just a convenience that will auto require all the gems that are in the $LOAD_PATH so you don’t need to.
You could do the same thing in that simple sinatra app, and then remove all those requires:

# app.rb

require 'bundler/setup'

# there is no need to manually require the dependencies
# anymore, as we just called Bundler.require
# require 'sinatra'
# require 'vagalume'

get '/test' do
  result = Vagalume.find("Metallica", "The Unforgiven")

Wrapping up

As we can see, the mechanism that makes Bundler work the way it does is not that complex. It’s just changing the $LOAD_PATH (that is not to say that Bundler itself is not complex, it actually does a lot more that what I showed here). Not understanding how it works, though, could make debugging a problem much more painful.
It is worth to take some time to understand at least the basics that make the tools you deal with every day work. It will almost certainly save you some precious time in the future.

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